Sustainable Manufacturing Solutions and Hydroponic Farming — ASN Events

Sustainable Manufacturing Solutions and Hydroponic Farming (18789)

Ian James 1
  1. Victorian Centre for Sustainable Chemical Manufacturing, Clayton, VIC, Australia

VCSCM has been established to help companies become more competitive through innovation and productivity underpinned by chemistry and engineering. A consortium of CSIRO, Monash, EPA, PACIA and the Victorian State Government, the VCSCM has a mission to help companies identify areas where innovation can improve both economic and environmental outcomes.
Hydroponic farming is a leader in innovation in growing particular produce and at present obtains significant amounts of its technology from overseas. We believe that there is specific areas of technology and innovation that can be investigated locally and enable competitive advantages.
We also work closely with funding bodies that help facilitate innovation and have successfully help raise additional funds to enable researchers to work within companies to help solve specific problems that inhibit efficiency gains or new product development. We have also helped company’s access vouchers to enable R&D to be conducted for the first time with leading organisations to help improve new products and processes.
This presentation shall provide an introduction to the VCSCM, the areas of expertise available through the Centre that may be relevant to those working in hydroponic farming and some of the funding sources available to help offset the costs of a research and development program.
